Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Divine Honor of the Shadow
Type: Basic Items

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 9999

A dark reward for completing Divine Contracts.
Exchange for items with a Divine Emissary in Archosaur.
It reads: 'The eternal wail of grief can be heard everywhere.'

Award from quest

墛CF00FFPentox Longlegs (55 - 60)
墜CF00FFGauren Minions (55 - 60)
墳CF00FFDeadmarsh Petaliis (60 - 70)
墴CF00FFTaurox Captains (65 - 70)
壉D9DD2Falcom Howlers (71 - 80)
壊D9DD2Elysium Fowls (71 - 80)
壋D9DD2Evolved Soulchasers (71 - 80)
壌D9DD2Huggy Hares (75 - 80)
壍D9DD2Seaspray Bladewolves (75 - 80)
壎CF00FFMolten Firedrakes (71 - 80)

Show All Quests

Used in craft for following items

☆Illusive Lunar Cutlass (61)
Recipe: N/A库任务幻舞隐月剑
Amount needed: 3

☆Massive Champion (78)
Recipe: N/A库任务乘胜万里伏
Amount needed: 4

☆Hefty Poleaxe of Giants (62)
Recipe: N/A库任务万钧巨斧
Amount needed: 3

☆Calamity Axes of Blood (70)
Recipe: N/A库任务血煞斧
Amount needed: 4

☆Dark Flash (70)
Recipe: N/A库任务紫电辟邪
Amount needed: 4

☆Dragonfly Assault Blade (80)
Recipe: N/A库任务蜻蜓刺玉
Amount needed: 5

☆Annihilator of Souls (60)
Recipe: N/A库任务灭魂拳套
Amount needed: 3

☆Guardian of the Realm (80)
Recipe: N/A库任务神武镇天弓
Amount needed: 5

☆Wind and the Clouds (69)
Recipe: N/A库任务风云
Amount needed: 3

☆Solarslayer (61)
Recipe: N/A库任务天劫射日弩
Amount needed: 3

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: N/A库任务中阶七杀令

Divine Honor of the Void

Probability to create: 100.00%

Divine Emissary of Shadow

World: 523 631 (23)

Divine Emissary of Shadow

World: 550 635 (22)

Divine Emissary of Shadow

World: 555 676 (23)

Divine Emissary of Shadow

World: 667 370 (23) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!