Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Warrior Seal
Type: Basic Items

Price: 0 / 1
Stacked: 50000

Proof that you've challenged the Trials. Exchange at the Fortification forges for materials.

Award from quest

槧Pass the Trial of Balance 1 (0)
槩Pass the Trial of Balance 2 (0) Amount: 2
槫Pass the Trial of Balance 1 (0)
槬Pass the Trial of Balance 2 (0) Amount: 2
槼Clear the Trial! 1 (0)
槽Clear the Trial! 2 (0) Amount: 2
槿Clear the Trial! 1 (0)
椀Clear the Trial! 2 (0) Amount: 2
樂Clear the Trial! 1 (0)
樃Clear the Trial! 2 (0) Amount: 2

Show All Quests

Used in craft for following items

Oricalcum Ore
Recipe: Oricalcum Ore Trade
Amount needed: 90

Platinum Ore
Recipe: Platinum Ore Trade
Amount needed: 40

Hapatizon Whetstone
Recipe: Hapatizon Whetstone Trade
Amount needed: 30

Damascene Ore
Recipe: Damascene Ore Trade
Amount needed: 40

Adamantine Whetstone
Recipe: Adamantine Whetstone Trade
Amount needed: 15

Round Shield Medal
Recipe: Round Shield Medal Trade
Amount needed: 10 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!