Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Seeker Trainer
Subtype: Durability
LV. 40

Price: 5 / 90.000.000
Stacked: 1
Item is a part of a complect "E.guard"

Seekers train in both the martial and arcane arts, and use the
element of metal to enhance their close-combat swordplay. Each
Seeker bears a relic upon their forehead that can discern evil.

Can be found in

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Pack A - 0.19%

War Avatar Pack S - 0.09%

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Chest: A - 1.43%

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Durability Pack - 0.07%

War Avatar Durability Chest - 1.00%

Advanced War Avatar Pack - 1.50%

Random Mall table 1694 - 随机战灵商城 - 0.05%

Items Addons:


Strength +10

Vitality +10 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!