Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

War Avatar Longevity Pack
Unknown exp value???: 5

Price: 1 / 90.000.000
Stacked: 1000

Right click to open.
Contains a random S-B Longevity Card or C card.

Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)

War Avatar Longevity Pack

Tab: Shop - New

Price: This item may be unavailable in shop for now

Amount: 1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Possible awards
# Name %
King Feng Triton 0.03
Elder of Archosaur 0.03
Yi the Mighty Wing 0.03
Vanished Ancestor 0.03
Emperor Tsang 0.03
Plume City Elder 0.03
The Incacerate 0.03
Astrid 0.03
Monoblat Dracoboa 0.07
Dread Lord Hengchih 0.07
Barbarian Trainer 0.07
Gorath 0.07
Ultimate Stance 0.07
Madam Sadi 0.07
Burial Inferno 0.07
Emissary of Void 0.07
Mask of Grief 0.07
Queen Xipher 0.07
Celestial Sister 0.07
Thromh the Mighty 1.00
Viriddis Stormhorn 1.00
Soulripper 1.00
Dark Colluseast 1.00
Cosmoforce 1.00
Stargazer Kin Soz 1.00
Burning Soul 1.00
Primal Fear 1.00
Herald of Agony 1.00
Wang Tali 1.00
Zoologist Yin 1.00
Gouf, Aerox Chief 1.00
Emerald Qingfu 4.83
Verdant Qingfu 4.83
Jaden Qingfu 4.83
Chief Assassin 4.83
Gang Leader 4.83
Seaweed Thief 4.83
Seaspray Bladewolf 4.83
Araneid Cruelheart 4.83
Chipmunq Glutton 4.83
Decaying Cleavehand 4.83
Nivastok Shieldbearer 4.83
Malicious Cadevil 4.83
Headless Knight 4.83
Acephalic Rider 4.83
Araneid Sharpfang 4.83
Nivastok Brave 4.83
Gnosis Treerat 4.83
Dustwraith 4.83 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!