Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Broken Red Jade
Type: Materials
Subtype: N/A级别引子 / Red Jade

Price: 10 / 27
Stacked: 1000 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Sold in
Name Exists
Nature Forge: Skill books Valley of Reciprocity - 392 554 (24)
Nature Forge: Skill books World - 117 854 (38)
Vendor Tang ChronoWorld - 370 517 (47)
Vendor Tang ChronoWorld 1 - Heaven's Tear - 370 517 (47)
Merchant Blink World - 670 175 (24)
Merchant Sumuil World - 666 118 (24)
Trader Gwan Tao World - 673 135 (24)
Merchant Fritz World - 147 247 (13)
Merchant Quen World - 230 231 (22)
Merchant Dodo World - 311 235 (22)
Craftsman Tlant Qine -
Merchant Hans World - 372 215 (21)
Merchant Lei World - 370 252 (21)
Merchant Hesca -
Merchant Sanei -
Merchant Yeho -
Merchant Wang Song World - 429 880 (27)
Merchant Li Er World - 342 406 (22)
Merchant Fu World - 261 637 (25)
Merchant -
Merchant Chien World - 228 559 (22)
Merchant Kao World - 558 878 (25)
Merchant Huang World - 427 646 (22)
Merchant Wang Bo World - 204 324 (53)
Merchant Hsuan Pai World - 371 350 (22)
Merchant Lo Zhan World - 332 828 (22)
Merchant Lo Zhan World - -2 1 (22)
Merchant Lei World - 369 761 (22)
Merchant Lei World - 24 3 (23)
Merchant Wan World - 610 718 (22)
Merchant Wan World - 46 3 (25)
Merchant Pien World - 127 591 (52)
Merchant Pien World - 64 3 (24)
Merchant Yang World - 458 327 (26)
Merchant Yang World - 84 3 (22)
Merchant Tien World - 445 568 (22)
Merchant Tien World - 26 5 (25)
Merchant Cheng World - 496 972 (22)
Merchant Cheng World - 40 5 (27)
Merchant Wang Yang World - 525 655 (22)
Merchant Wang Yang World - 62 5 (25)
Merchant Fu Jin Yan World - 551 622 (22)
Merchant Fu Jin Yan World - 64 5 (26)
Merchant Fei World - 546 684 (22)
Merchant Fei World - 92 5 (22)
Merchant Mu World - 445 902 (27)
Merchant Mu World - 48 7 (27)
Merchant Lang World - 259 665 (25)
Merchant Lang World - 68 7 (27)
Merchant Lo World - 326 436 (22)
Merchant Lo World - 88 7 (23)
Merchant Ho Shao World - 118 640 (53)
Merchant Ho Shao World - 10 9 (23)
Merchant Li World - 637 832 (22)
Merchant Li World - 16 9 (25)
Merchant Chin World - 218 422 (52)
Merchant Chin World - 56 11 (25)
Merchant Liu Cheng World - 589 564 (24)
Merchant Liu Cheng World - 86 11 (25)
Merchant Chen World - 431 737 (22)
Merchant Chen World - 88 11 (24)
Merchant Yin World - 387 517 (22)
Merchant Yin World - 90 11 (23)
Merchant Tien Neng World - 431 462 (22)
Dark Messenger -
Treasure Seeker -
Dragon Temple Events Agent Temple of the Dragon - 379 531 (19)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 391 593 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 390 563 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 353 592 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 352 567 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 443 593 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 443 563 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 405 592 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 405 567 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 392 546 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 391 516 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 354 546 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 353 520 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 443 546 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 443 516 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 406 546 (2)
Dark Messenger City of Abominations - 405 520 (2)
Merchant Ironox World - 521 162 (24)
Wedding Planner Wedding Church - 382 567 (3)
Wedding Planner Wedding Church - 380 579 (3)
Wedding Planner Wedding Church - 432 528 (3)
Wedding Planner Wedding Church - 433 516 (3)
Merchant Evan World - 412 204 (23)
Merchant Carlos World - 475 262 (17)
Trader Yob Morai - 315 510 (14)
Merchant Sanzo Nylo Morai - 474 516 (3)
Merchant Gutty Morai - 357 582 (8)
Merchant Ten Sens Morai - 446 585 (4)
Merchant Miser Morai - 247 534 (4)
Trader Iosef Morai - 387 517 (5)
Merchant --- - 376 461 (30)
Merchant --- - 376 461 (30)
Merchant --- - 375 499 (31)
Merchant --- - 375 499 (31)
Merchant --- - 352 556 (36)
Merchant --- - 352 556 (36)
Black Market Vendor --- - 327 552 (38)
Black Market Vendor --- - 352 559 (36)
Merchant --- - 323 528 (37)
Merchant --- - 389 613 (39)
Merchant Darfu --- - 410 587 (40)
Merchant Malachite --- - 416 616 (32)
Merchant Qi Qi --- - 443 562 (30)
Merchant Zengar World - 757 842 (24)
Merchant Myzi World - 780 933 (26)
Merchant Tully --- - 443 482 (23)
Vendor Patrick -
Vendor Vinnie -
Vendor Vinnie -
Merchant -
Grocer Arnold -
Merchant Flemming -
Merchant Charlie -
Adventure Kingdom Merchant -
Adventure Kingdom Merchant -
Adventure Kingdom Merchant -
Adventure Kingdom Merchant -
Adventure Kingdom Merchant -
Merchant Alvar -
Merchant Ian -
Merchant --- - 345 539 (30)
Merchant --- - 440 566 (30)
Faction Supplies Vendor Trials - Salvation/Towers/Eternity - 552 623 (5) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!