Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Compacted Glaze
Type: Materials
Subtype: Basic Materials / Oils

Price: 1 / 1.300
Stacked: 100

A special oil for producing equipment.

Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)

Compacted Glaze

Tab: Craft - Mats 2

Price: This item may be unavailable in shop for now

Amount: 60

Award from quest

ᮞHappiness Pack (0)
ᮠOld Golden Case (0) Amount: 20
ᮡCraftsman Case (0) Amount: 20

Used in craft for following items

Sutra Wood
Recipe: Level 4 Wood Extract Formula
Amount needed: 2

Cloudflow Muslin
Recipe: Level 4 Damask Silk Formulation
Amount needed: 2

☆Lonesky Blade (99)
Recipe: Sword of Amaryllis
Amount needed: 13

☆Dancing Butterfly Blades (91)
Recipe: Spirit Render
Amount needed: 12

☆Montcouper (97)
Recipe: Blade of Scalpeldeer
Amount needed: 13

☆The Two Lovers (94)
Recipe: Blade of Breakdream
Amount needed: 13

☆Abyssal Dragon Blade (109)
Recipe: Sword of Amorous
Amount needed: 16

☆Moon and Stars (101)
Recipe: ScalewingFlap
Amount needed: 15

☆Estoque (107)
Recipe: Heartless Blade
Amount needed: 16

☆Water and Cloud (104)
Recipe: DeceivePole Blade
Amount needed: 15

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Grosh Tower 100 Abaddon
431 591 (17)
Water, weak Earth 307636 15.7121
2 Guardian Wraith 101 Seat of Torment
379 593 (61)
Metal, weak Fire 314724 14.8976
3 Demonic Firefox Guard 102 Abaddon
357 518 (16)
Water, weak Earth 321916 14.8951
4 Dharma Perditioner 100 Momaganon
467 537 (25)
Water, weak Earth 56970 3.6651
5 Pilgrim of Dharma 100 Lothranis
428 612 (19)
Earth, weak Wood 69630 3.6651
6 Convulsing Demon 99 Momaganon
470 514 (26)
Earth, weak Wood 68049 3.5005
7 Guardian of Demons 101 Momaganon
434 572 (27)
No elements 58282 3.4454
8 Peachyard Maiden 102 Abaddon
351 504 (16)
Water, weak Earth 225341 3.4388
9 Passions Messenger 97 Lothranis
436 600 (19)
Water, weak Earth 53146 3.4352
10 Blazing Demonsword 96 Momaganon
461 484 (26)
No elements 51910 3.4064
11 Styren General 106 Lothranis
342 582 (19)
Earth, weak Wood 79612 3.4030
12 Celestial Specter 95 Lothranis
442 538 (19)
Metal, weak Fire 50692 3.3732
13 Bewitching Beauty 92 Lothranis
458 516 (19)
Wood, weak Metal 47148 3.2910
14 Soulcough Demon 91 Momaganon
358 518 (22)
Water, weak Earth 46003 3.2619
15 Infernal Creep 99 Seat of Torment
425 545 (61)
Earth, weak Wood 537704 2.8487
16 Infernal Behemoth 100 Seat of Torment
362 581 (61)
Wood, weak Metal 1381786 2.6191
17 Peachyard Hobwekin 99 Abaddon
397 591 (16)
Metal, weak Fire 210456 2.1981
18 Hobwekin Fieldhand 101 Abaddon
397 584 (16)
No elements 220306 2.1533
19 Peachyard Flyer 101 Abaddon
371 516 (16)
No elements 220306 2.1533
20 Prisoner of Heaven 101 Seat of Torment
398 530 (61)
Metal, weak Fire 621803 2.1533
21 Unfortunate Soul 101 Seat of Torment
378 532 (61)
Fire, weak Water 621803 2.1533
22 Consuming Soulmass 100 Abaddon
422 557 (16)
Water, weak Earth 263200 1.7096
23 Peachyard Wisp 100 Abaddon
429 582 (16)
Wood, weak Metal 215345 1.7096
24 Eido, Celestial Incarnate 107 Lothranis
352 508 (19)
No elements 66568 0.7095
25 Celestial Clang 102 Lothranis
363 598 (19)
Fire, weak Water 59614 0.7085
26 Pinna Thundergod 97 Lothranis
420 592 (27)
Metal, weak Fire 53146 0.7064 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!