Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Blabber Mouth

Hello message

You want to know the secret of running a business, eh? You must be confident, and hard-working! Don't be shy, and you can manage it if you just take it step by step.

Main Info

Storage access service: No

Sell items: No

Crafting service: Yes

Repair Items: No

Decompose items service: No

Identify item service: No

Install stone service: No

Learn Skill service: No

Genie Learn skill: No

Pet service: No

Teleporting service: No

Reset stats service: No

Equipment bind service: No

Engraving service: No

Territory Regent: No


World: 555 684 (22)

Display mode


Crafting service

Page: 1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!