ִThe Swiftwind Chief | |
DescriptionSwiftwind Warrior uncovered a secret passage! Where the passage leads is a mystery, but he has a feeling that the Swiftwind Chief is down there somewhere. Will you go down the passage in search of the Chief? Swiftwind Warrior advises you head west and search around the Broken Tower. AwardGold: 68 Exp: 6798 SP: 1536 Reputation: 0 SP: 1536 Items GroupAmount:1 Chosen randomly
NPCSwiftwind Warrior - "World" 382 790(29) Swiftwind Warrior - "World" 12 1(22) Award NPCThe Swiftwind Chief - "World" 311 781(22) The Swiftwind Chief - "World" 6 3(22) The Swiftwind Chief - "World" 352 762(22) Quest InfoLevel: 45 - 105 Can give up Repeatable after failure |