Herbal Panacea | |
DescriptionGo south of King's Feast and kill the Shrunchkin Warlocks to retrieve the Peonias they stole. Bring 10 of them to the Bud Harvester at King's Feast. Required to doGet: Drop from: Shrunchkin Warlock (59) Rate:100% AwardGold: 392 Exp: 39235 SP: 8867 Reputation: 0 SP: 8867 Items GroupAmount:50 Chosen randomly
NPCBud Harvester - "World" 448 425(37) Bud Harvester - "World" 70 1(23) Award NPCBud Harvester - "World" 448 425(37) Bud Harvester - "World" 70 1(23) Quest InfoLevel: 59 - 69 Can give up Repeatable after failure |