夫FFFFFFPlum Buds | |
DescriptionAfter winning particularly important battle, our soldiers are rewarded with Plum buds; which are one of the sweetest fruits known to man. Gather them for our warriors. Gather 10 Plum Buds near the Fortress of the Talon. Required to doGet: Harvest from: Plum Bud AwardGold: 0 Exp: 11306 SP: 2578 Reputation: 0 SP: 2578 |
NPCDivine Emissary of Shadow - "World" 523 631(23) Divine Emissary of Shadow - "World" 550 635(22) Divine Emissary of Shadow - "World" 555 676(23) Divine Emissary of Shadow - "World" 667 370(23) Award NPCDivine Emissary of Shadow - "World" 523 631(23) Divine Emissary of Shadow - "World" 550 635(22) Divine Emissary of Shadow - "World" 555 676(23) Divine Emissary of Shadow - "World" 667 370(23) Quest InfoLevel: 60 - 70 Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |