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DescriptionDefeat 15 Flame Puppet in the Chamber of Dusk. You can teleport to the Chamber of Dusk through the Manor of Justice. Required items
Required to doKill: Flame Puppet (95) Amount:15 AwardGold: 0 Exp: 108000 SP: 24624 Reputation: 0 SP: 24624 |
NPCTraining Obelisk II - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk III - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk IV - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk V - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk VI - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk VII - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk VIII - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Award NPCTraining Obelisk I - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk II - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk III - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk IV - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk V - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk VI - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk VII - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Training Obelisk VIII - "Faction Base" 401 738(3) Quest InfoLevel: 90+ Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |