爉Dark Empress's Journey | |
Prev: 狂Blinding Field Next: 狃Inky Field
Parent QuestDescriptionDark Empress Lorelei is a mystery--nobody knows where she is from. After the Old Emperor died, she took over and ruled the country very well. Now Christmas Day is coming, and the tradition of visiting the people will be honored. Maybe it is for the Old Emperor, or maybe she wishes to take in the sights and sounds. Whichever it is, she will go to the village of Peach Blossom Grove. Required to doGet: Harvest from: Astral Projection AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 |
Quest InfoLevel: 0 Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable When fails, parent also fails |