簡Gluttonyblade | |
DescriptionOne of the Soulkeepers is a blade that transfers the soul fragment to a different blade when not held by one of the Polaris Riftbeast's followers. You'll have to collect several blades to ensure you get the right one, and fast. Collect 3 Gluttonyblades from Polaris Cultists near Dreambane Road, then return them to the Celestial Immortal at Skyline Loft within 15 minutes. Required to doGet: Drop from: Polaris Cultist (15) Rate:100% AwardGold: 7 Exp: 3400 SP: 1360 Reputation: 1 SP: 1360 |
Time Limit15min. NPCAward NPCReqiured QuestsQuest InfoLevel: 15+ Can give up Repeatable after failure |