ȸRhinodrake Tear | |
DescriptionBlacksmith Chang's son was poisoned. You have 40 minutes to kill the Boondock Rhinodrake and collect his tear; it's vital for making the antidote. Follow the road to the south of Etherblade Lake and you can find it at the crossroad. Required to doGet: Drop from: Boondock Rhinodrake (22) Rate:100% AwardGold: 6 Exp: 2600 SP: 1040 Reputation: 1 SP: 1040 |
Time Limit40min. NPCBlacksmith Chang - "World" 499 869(22) Blacksmith Chang - "World" -4 5(22) Award NPCBlacksmith Chang - "World" 499 869(22) Blacksmith Chang - "World" -4 5(22) Quest InfoLevel: 13+ Can give up Repeatable after failure |