᭑Safe Extension Stone | |
Parent QuestDescriptionTake a Safe Extension Stone to the Banker to increase your Safe by 8 slots. Safe Extension Stones can be found in the Perfect World Boutique under Utility > Storage. If you wish to immediately increase your Safe to the maximum amount of slots, you may purchase a Super Safe Stone instead. If you do so, this quest will have no effect, so plan accordingly. Required to doGet: AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 |
Award NPCBanker Hsin - "World" 556 636(22) Banker Hsin - "World" -2 7(22) Banker Sanjo - "World" 673 126(24) Banker Morich - "World" 528 160(24) Banker Cheng - "Realm of Reflection" 435 522(56) Banker Cheng - "Realm of Reflection" 409 532(56) Banker Cheng - "Realm of Reflection" 400 541(56) Banker Cheng - "Realm of Reflection" 435 556(56) Banker Cheng - "Realm of Reflection" 403 587(56) Banker Cheng - "Realm of Reflection" 371 569(56) Banker Cheng - "Realm of Reflection" 407 558(56) Banker Cheng - "World" 431 876(27) Banker Chang Pai - "World" 337 414(22) Banker Chan - "World" 259 637(25) Banker Chien Yuan - "World" 212 306(52) Banker Chien Yuan - "World" 44 5(26) Banker Tsai - "World" 556 677(23) Banker Tsai - "World" 0 7(22) Banker Teng - "World" 528 651(22) Banker Teng - "World" 2 7(22) Banker Chien Tui - "World" 444 895(27) Banker Chien Tui - "World" 54 7(24) Banker Fu - "World" 255 667(25) Banker Fu - "World" 74 7(26) Banker Chin - "World" 664 969(25) Banker Chin - "World" 18 9(24) Banker Teng Er - "World" 331 826(22) Banker Teng Er - "World" 20 9(25) Banker Pang - "World" 555 882(24) Banker Pang - "World" 28 9(28) Banker Wei - "World" 230 554(22) Banker Wei - "World" 30 9(32) Banker Yin Qi - "World" 446 568(22) Banker Yin Qi - "World" 32 9(38) Banker Qian - "World" 370 350(22) Banker Qian - "World" 34 9(41) Banker Chien - "World" 498 961(22) Banker Chien - "World" 46 9(32) Banker Liu - "World" 641 832(22) Banker Liu - "World" 48 9(32) Banker Wang - "World" 431 738(22) Banker Wang - "World" 50 9(28) Banker Ming - "World" 611 716(22) Banker Ming - "World" 52 9(26) Banker Sheng Xing - "World" 117 641(53) Banker Sheng Xing - "World" 54 9(25) Banker Kung Di - "World" 418 648(23) Banker Kung Di - "World" 56 9(24) Banker Hsing - "World" 127 591(52) Banker Hsing - "World" 58 9(25) Banker Gui - "World" 390 520(22) Banker Gui - "World" 60 9(27) Banker Tseng - "World" 215 416(52) Banker Tseng - "World" 62 9(28) Banker Chao - "World" 426 459(22) Banker Chao - "World" 64 9(30) Banker Pei - "World" 471 324(26) Banker Pei - "World" 66 9(33) Banker Chin Yu - "World" 589 568(24) Banker Chin Yu - "World" 92 11(23) Banker Chang Cai - "World" 496 870(23) Banker Li - "World" 371 764(22) Banker Han - "World" 148 959(22) Banker Tien - "World" 249 974(22) Banker Kang - "World" 324 973(23) Banker Ho Song - "World" 148 894(22) Banker Tao - "World" 187 861(24) Banker Chia - "World" 154 822(22) Banker Shang - "World" 119 861(38) Banker Huang - "World" 258 816(22) Banker Ho Jian - "World" 130 747(22) Banker Sheng Da - "World" 229 780(22) Banker Yin - "World" 677 619(22) Banker Wan - "World" 646 566(22) Banker Ku - "World" 181 475(50) Banker Kung Li - "World" 540 413(22) Banker Kung Ji - "World" 641 472(23) Banker Ho - "World" 546 375(23) Banker Kung Pai - "World" 664 370(23) Banker Chia Xing - "World" 111 314(53) Banker Hen Shao - "Lothranis" 342 595(20) Banker Pao - "Lothranis" 478 505(20) Banker Mo - "Momaganon" 333 471(25) Banker Lu - "Momaganon" 467 632(20) Banker Byron - "World" 115 259(20) Banker Salen - "World" 143 231(14) Banker Wagold - "World" 231 231(22) Banker Lester - "World" 368 252(21) Banker Lucien - "World" 370 216(22) Banker Aidan - "World" 410 205(25) Banker Timothy - "World" 470 263(17) Banker Holan Duse - "Morai" 204 569(3) Banker Momo Wan - "Morai" 468 514(3) Banker Moe Kanla - "Morai" 357 577(8) Banker Chemin - "Morai" 448 584(4) Banker Kasch - "Morai" 247 532(4) Banker Llaine - "Morai" 387 517(5) Banker Buckley - "World" 573 659(22) Banker Fozen - "World" 760 855(25) Banker - "---" 435 457(22) Banker - "---" 448 481(23) Banker - "---" 477 535(24) Banker - "---" 427 506(25) Quest InfoLevel: 0 Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable When fails, parent also fails Parent quest also success |