The Discovery | |
DescriptionAfter a long journey, you met the Psychic Seer. He felt a strange force too, and wanted to find out where it came from. During his investigation, he found several locations where the force condensed. He wants you to go to check one of the locations. Go southwest of the Great Lake to kill Tauroc Sentinels for their Pendants and give them to the Psychic Seer at the Silver Pool. Required to doGet: Drop from: Tauroc Sentinel (31) Rate:100% AwardGold: 35 Exp: 17300 SP: 6920 Reputation: 2 SP: 6920 New quest: эThe Grudge |
NPCPsychic Seer - "World" 444 564(22) Award NPCReqiured QuestsActivated by using item(s):Quest InfoLevel: 28+ Can't give up Repeatable after failure |