Not included in any groups
- Wicked Awesome -
- Passerby - 鎪N/A测试-任务随机发生器专用
- Pathfinding Master - 獤Back of Archosaur Prosperity
- Omniscient Seer - 珞Odd Stone
- Fiery Vanguard - 獥Vengeful Troops Invasion
- Private Investigator - 珟Freezing Power
- Herbicidal Maniac - 獦Sweet Witness
- Frostcovered Enforcer - 獨Phoenix Nirvana
- Head Hunter - 獪Reborn Spell
- Heaven's Friend - 獫Glacia's Welfare
- Star of the Harshlands - 獬Remove The Harshlands
- Eyes of Insight - 獭T/F Shadow of Frozen River
- The Bravo - 獮Bloody Supernatural Pataka
- Icebreaker Breaker - 獯Soldiers Pour In
- Timberjack Guardian - 珠Protect Timberjacker
- Pyromaniac - 獰Break Frozen River Barrier
- Guide of Life - 獶The Depraved Guardian
- I Hate Doggy Eyes - 獷Catch the Informer
- I am a Master. - 獸Fiend before, lackey now.
- Glacial Star - 獹Remove The Frozen River
- Servant of Lord Kitten - 獺Be a Kitten's Ball Master
- Bone Collector - 獼Crystal Bone's Secret
- Bladeslinger - 獽Three-legged Vessel: Ice Bone
- Arctic Archaeologist - 獾Icy Stone and Icy Giant
- Beast Butcher - 玃Three-leg Vessel: Frozen Ice
- Bravery Basher - 玄Secret in Valley of the Gods
- Striker - 玅Three-legged Vessel: Glacier
- Anti-Romantic - 玆Super. Pataka Boundless White
- Avalanche Canyon - 率Remove: Canyon
- The Exterminator - 玈Pour In
- Triple-Threat Takedown - 玉The Stained Guardian
- The Final Judgment - 玍Protecting Pillar
- Cutthroat - 玎Vanma, fears from the heart.
- Fireproof - 玏Burning Lava
- Volcanic Purgatory - 玐Remove: Volcanic Purgatory
- Unstoppable Luck - 玑Find the Secret Tea Drinker
- The Past Is Bitter - 玓Walk the Path Again
- Veil Raider - 玔Old Veiled Tower
- Ghoulfriend - 玕Hurry up! Cold-heart Lotus.
- Shadow Raider - 玖Old Tower of Darkness
- Heart of the Sword - 玗Look for Your Sword of Fate
- Monster Hunter - 玡Empyrean Slither's Doomsday
- Master of Balance - 玢Double Towers! Fix mistakes!
- Tree Climber - 玣Watch for Thousands of years.
- Watery Grave - 玤Eater in the Sea
- Nocturnal - 玥Pour Yourself out at Night
- Deep-Sea Scavenger - 玩Broken Altar
- Priest of Misfortune - 玪Hard-won Peace
- Parapsychologist - 玫The Ancestor's Word
- Liberator of Misfortune - 玬Rescue the Host of Misfortune
- Fish Friend - 玭Story of Gold Fish Family
- Trapeze - 环Suspension Power
- The Generous - 现Lees, are indispensable.
- Armored Pincers - 玱Monsters Can't Reach the Sky
- Skyscraper - 玲Sky of Three Creatures
- Six Leagues Under - 玳Famous Hero Falls
- Earthquaker - 玴Earth of Three Creatures
- Man of No Romance - 玵The Bait Hides the Hook
- Manslayer - 玶Human of Three Creatures
- Ego Draconis - 玷Dragon Assault
- Wind and Waves - 玸Dragon's Breath Gives out Bad
- Yohn's Foe - 玹See you again, my enemy!
- Setback Resistance - 玺Second Search
- The Lovable Agent - 玻Great Emperor Alexander
- Seiken Bearer - 玼Stable order, peaceful world!
- Nostalgia - 珁Retrieve Pieces of Memories
- Gatekeeper - 珍Around the corner
- King of Rumors - 珎Pestle of Reincarnation?
- Green Wood Song - 獊FFBD00Reincarnation Pestle
- Saint Savior - 珐Living Mulberry
- Back To Life - 珑Enlightenment
- Pathblazer - 硐Clear the Road
- Walled Stronghold Guardsman - 硑Protect Walled Stronghold
- Ancient City Detective - 硒The Odd Stone
- Busy Ants - 硓Primal World? Four Nations?
- Assault Team Captain - 硔Wraith Raid
- Jack of All Trades - 硕Door to the Human World
- Octopus - 硖Kill the Wraith Underlings
- Messenger of Peace - 硗Seek Help from the Five Races
- Love Being a Troublemaker - 硘Draw away their attention
- Slippery as a Snake - 硙Attack the Main Force
- Hill of the Swarm Star - 硚Destroy the Seal
- Bright Lantern - 珒Bright Lantern
- Moonwalker - 珮Celestial
- Penguin Hater - 珓Penguin Tamer
- Nice Guy - 珯Nice People
- Snowman Knight - 珔Agent
- Haste Up! - 璼The Hasty Man
- Son of Fortune - 璽Auspicious Son
- Homeless - 琼N/A称号-运营01
- Waiting Star - 琽N/A称号-运营02
- Primal Hero - 琾N/A称号-运营03
- Suppressor of Agony - 珕N/A称号-副本仙99-通关1小时
- Demon World Traveler - 珖N/A称号-副本魔99-通关1小时
- Master Plucker - 珗Endless Path A - 1 hour clear
- Super Durable - 珰N/A称号-副本战歌-通关1小时
- Naughty Junior - 珘N/A称号-副本轮回-通关1小时
- Split Personality - 珙Endless Path A - 1 hour clear
- Hide and Seek - 珚Endless Path B - 1 hour clear
- Master of Balance - 珛Endless Path C - 1 hour clear
- Dragonslayer - 璾Title: Endless - 1 hour clear
- Doom of Eminence - 莋Title - Clear FP in an hour / 瓁N/A称号-副本龙隐窟-通关1小时
- Aviator - 珜N/A称号-探索杂类-飞行高度
- Marshal's Deputy - 珝N/A称号-探索杂类-寻找龙王号
- War Avatar Rookie - 祓War Avatar Rookie
- War Avatar Greenhorn - 祔War Avatar Greenhorn
- War Avatar Acolyte - 祕War Avatar Acolyte
- War Avatar Collector - 祖War Avatar Collector
- War Avatar Aficionado - 祗War Avatar Aficionado
- War Avatar Hunter - 祘War Avatar Hunter
- War Avatar Scholar - 祙War Avatar Scholar
- War Avatar Expert - 祚War Avatar Expert
- Warriors of the Year - 琿N/A称号-运营04
- Perfect Spouse - 璻N/A称号-运营05
- Archosaur Shamed - 瞽Book: Archosaur Shamed
- Can't leave the game for a day - 瞾Book: Can't Leave the Game
- Lunar Destined - 瞆Get Geared / 瞅Get Geared
- A Distant Melody - 矪Get Geared / 瞉Get Geared
- Primal Scream - 瞈Get Geared / 瞇Get Geared
- Roiling Sea - 矬Get Geared / 矫Get Geared
- Earth Born - 矮Get Geared / 短Get Geared
- Lord Tyrant's Devastator - 砨N/A称号-副本流银宫-通关弑神模式
- Archaeological Expert - 础E3A600Archaeological Expert
- Greedy Cat - 碠Greedy Cat
- Cute and Stupid - 礩N/A称号-运营06
- War Avatar Master - 祛War Avatar Master
- War Avatar Emissary - 祜War Avatar Emissary
- War Avatar Veteran - 祝War Avatar Veteran
- War Avatar Champion - 神War Avatar Champion
- Let's falling love! - 禊Happy Singles Day
- Come on, beauties! - 禈Spicy and Hot Love (M)
- Come and get me! - 禉Spicy and Hot Love (Female)
- Developers Love You -
- Damn Couples - 禪Comfort for Single Day
- Can I help you, miss? - 禫Comfort for Single Day
- Thank you, sir. - 禬Comfort for Single Day
- Victorious Warhorse - 穀Victorious Warhorse
- Etherblade Guard - 私Weakened Sword Aura
- Beacon of Hope - 秂Legend of the Elder
- Bargain Hunter - 秃Clue in the Pawnshop
- Diamond in the Rough - 秄Treasure on the Shelves
- Red - 秅Searching the Seamstress's
- Blacksmith - 秆Reforging the Sword
- Star of Etherblade City - 秇Unseal Etherblade City
- Wall Historian - 秈Great Legacy
- Wall Master - 秉A Hero's Legend
- Wine Bringer - 秊Hospitable Plainsmen
- Savage Slayer - 秋Helping the Camp
- Honorary Antica - 秌Windswept Plains
- Bright - 秎Emergency on the Wall
- Truth Seeker - 秐Waiting for Love
- Quester - 科Finding the Monk
- Fishy - 秒Undine Pranksters
- Persistent - 秓A Bowl of Yuanxiao
- Insane Love - 秔Love Troubles
- Star of the Ancient Wall - 躓Thunderpeal Pearl / 秖Unseal Ancient Wall
- Power of Love - 躓Thunderpeal Pearl / 秙This Is Love
- Redeemer - 躓Thunderpeal Pearl / 秚The True Lie
- Like to walk along a river - 秛Like to walk along a river
- Don't pick wild flowers - 秜Don't pick up wild flowers.
- Big Pinwheel - 秝Big Pinwheel
- Bane of the Evil Lion - 秞Bane of Raging Lion
- Guard of the Broken Plain - 租Guard of Broken Plain
- Star of the Broken Plain - 秠Star of Broken Plain
- Burning Heart Seeker - 秢The Burning Land
- Anguish Easer - 秣Burning Heart and Sublime
- Bravest in the Army - 秤Slaughter Around
- Volcanic Overseer - 秥Suddenly See the Light
- Blazing Guardian - 秦Kill the Blazing Guardian
- Soul Beast Slaughterer - 秧Kill Soulmass Beast
- Volcanic Savior - 秨Unseal: Land of Burning Hrt
- Interpreter - 秬Parchment Book
- Scarecrow - 秭History and Conspiracy
- Emerald Knight - 秮Lost Fragments
- Seal Destroyer - 积Legendary Step
- Son of the Prairie - 称Unseal Boundless Grasslands
- Magnificent and Mighty - 穝Magnificent and Mighty
- Returner - 穜Returner
- Bane of Senile Iblis - 穾Bane of Senile Iblis
- Perceptive - 穿Penetrating
- If you don't know, ask - 窀Just Like Ask the Way
- Swiftwind Warrior - 突Swiftwind Warrior
- Herbalism - 窂Herbalism
- Warmhearted - 窃Warmhearted
- Talent of Bone - 窄Talent of Bone
- Clinging - 窅Find the Murderer
- Star of Grasslands - 窆Destroy the Seal
- Investigator - 窇Change of Farewell Plain
- Arcane Hero - 窈The Lonely Guard
- Apricus - 窉The Clinging Fan of Sunshine
- Early Bird - 窊The Singing Prisoner
- Stubborn - 窋The Grieved Soldier
- Ancient - 窌Ode to the Bones
- Legendary - 窍Last Hope of Dragon Tamers
- Hero of the Plains - 窎Unseal Plain of Farewells.
- Safety Expert - 窠Safety Expert
- Turtle-broken Palm - 窳Turtle-broken Palm
- Dark Sun - 窴Dark Sun
- Dream-seeking Boy - 窵Dream-seeking Boy
- Overlook on a High Place - 窶Overlook on a High Place
- Messenger - 窷Messager
- Hell Wraith - 窸Hell Wraith
- Philosopher of Purity - 窹Philosopher of Purity
- Bane of Flaming Dark Beast - 窺Bane of Flaming Dark Beast
- Star of Originia River - 窻Star of Originia River
- Delicate Shadow - 窼Delicate Shadow
- See An Old Friend Again - 窽See An Old Friend Again
- Warrior - 窾Warrior
- Get the Root of the Matter - 窿Get the Root of the Matter
- Stride - 竀Stride
- Go to the Dangerous Place - 竁Go to the Dangerous Place
- Star of Shining Tidewood - 竂Star of Shining Tidewood
- A Nosey Person - 窧The Origin
- Pearls of Wisdom - 窩A pair of pearls is the best.
- Watchman of the Coast - 窫Unseal·Widow's Coast
- All Hands on Deck - 窭Sailor quest?
- First Mate - 窰To the Lighthouse
- Lord of Emerald Island Gulf - 窲Emerald Island Gulf
- Supreme Lord of Dedication - 竨Supreme Lord of Dedication
- Lord of Dedication - 竩Lord of Dedication
- Know All - 竪Book: Know All
- Entertainment - 竫Book: Entertainment
- Hit by Gold - 竬Book: Hit by Gold
- Happy Listener - 竭Book: Happy Listener
- Wishful Heart - 箆Book: Wishful Heart
- Together Forever - 箇Book: Together Forever
- Hero of Elysium - 絴Elysium Gift Pack I
- Glorious Warrior - 絵17173 Exclusive Pack
- Glorious Duke - 絶Glorious Duke Pack
- Stargazer - 缞Title - Explore - Stargazer
- Pureheart - 缡Pureheart
- Truthseeker - 缻Truthseeker
- Fox-feller - 罂Troublesome Fox
- Recovery Squad - 罅Intel Retrieval
- Friend of the Sages - 罈Psychics and Sages
- Archosaur Sage - 罉Sages of Archosaur
- Gate Guardian - 罎Stealth Crew
- Seal Breaker - 罛Archosaur's Seal
- Sojourner to the West - 罜Appearance of the Orbs
- Oddity Collector - 罝One Person's Trash
- Finders Keepers - 罞Hand-Me-Downs
- Winged Tiger - 罟Treasure of the Winged Tiger
- Turtle King - 罠Turtlemaster's Treasure
- The Grand Devil Lord - 罡The Grand Devil Lord
- Dream Chaser - 罢The Same Dream
- Dragon Summoner - 罣Dragon Summoner
- Star of Phoenix River - 罤Star of Phoenix River
- Archosaur Guardian - 臓Archosaur Guardian
- Lord of Dedication - 钱Title: Lord of Dedication / 钯Title: Lord of Dedication / 钭Title: Lord of Dedication / 钫Title: Lord of Dedication / 讐Title: Lord of Dedication / 艡Annual Sign-in Reward / 艠Annual Sign-in Reward
- Supreme Lord of Dedication - 钲Title: Supreme Dedication / 钰Title: Supreme Dedication / 钮Title: Supreme Dedication / 钬Title: Supreme Dedication / 讑Obsolete / 艣Super Attendance Reward / 艢Super Attendance Reward
- Returning Warrior - 茱Title: Returning Warrior
- Smarter Than I Look - 荫Smarter Than I Look
- Shrieking Banshee - 莩The Scream
- Crime Scene Detective - 莪The Investigation
- Inescapable Justice - 莫Inescapable Justice
- Determined Tracker - 莬The Inquiry
- The Loner - 莭The Interrogation
- The One and the Only One Truth - 莮The Truth
- Star of Silk Ridge - 莯Star of Silk Ridge
- The Whisperer - 莰City of the Haunting
- Grand Commandant - 莱A Monument Redemption
- Scar Soother - 莲Nameless Souls
- Wind Waker - 莳Into the Oblivion
- Sily - 莴A Thrill of Threats
- The lament of hundred decades - 莵A Love for a Thousand Years
- Black Cat - 莶Devastating Sorcery
- Star of the Lost City - 获Regrets Removed
- Steel Soul - 菆Drills under Dragons
- Leader Slayer - 菇Leader Slayer
- Dragon Rider - 菈Dragon Rider
- Ruin Guardian - 菉Ruin Guardian
- Spelunker - 菊Spelunker
- Soft Moonlight - 菋Soft Moonlight
- Wolf Slayer - 菌Wolf Slayer
- The Star of Dragon Wilderness - 菍The Star of Dragon Wilderness
- Exclusive - 菑Showmico Exclusive Pack
- Heat of Battle - 菙17173 Heat of Battle Pack
- For Honor - 菚Duowan Heat of Battle Pack
- Hey, I'm friendly! - 菝Heat of Battle Gift Pack
- I am the Scarlet Brave - 菧I am the Scarlet Brave
- Sparkly Star - 菨Sparkly Star
- Battle Veteran - 萳Battle Veteran
- Feudal Warlord - 萴Feudal Warlord
- Pure Heart - 蒪White Diamond: Pure Heart
- Storm Rising - 蒫Blue Diamond: Storm Rising
- Sky Climber - 蒬Yellow Diamond: Sky Climber
- Bloodied World - 蒭Red Diamond: Bloodied World
- Force Controller - 蒮Purple Diamond: Controller
- Void Channeler - 蒯Black Diamond: Void Channeler
- Outlander - 蓾An Unfamiliar Highlander
- Fresh Blood - 蓿The blood of the three suns
- Creature of the Lake - 萀The dribbling's down
- The Perch - 蔁Firmiana branches
- End Tune - 蔂The flute of sunset
- Daybreak's Light - 蔃The highest miracle
- Sundown Highland Star - 蔄The enkindle of nirvana
- Catch me if you can - 蔅PGP Master Title
- Winter's Memory - 蛱Winter's Memory Title
- Fleeting Love - 蛲Fleeting Love Title
- Swan's Grace - 蛳Swan's Grace Title
- Wanderer's Solitude - 蛴Wanderer's Solitude Title
- Fortune's Collector - 蛵Fortune's Collector Title
- Inked Heart - 蛶Inked Heart Title
- Most Glamourous - 蛷Most Glamourous Title
- Harmony's Resonance - 蛸Harmony's Resonance Title
- The Brisk Traveler - 蛹The Brisk Traveler Title
- Royal Overwatch - 蛺Royal Overwatch Title
- Don't Talk To Strangers - 袉Title Don't Talk To Strangers
- Daydream - 袊Title Daydream
- The Perfect Hermit - 袋Title The Perfect Hermit
- Party In My Homestead! - 袌Title Party In My Homestead!
- 8th Anniversary With You - 覀Title: 8th Anniversarier
- World Champion - 覤Title: World Champion
- Blademaster World Champion - 覥Title: Grand Blademaster
- Wizard World Champion - 覦Title: Wizard World Champion
- Barbarian World Champion - 覧Title: Grand Barbarian
- Venomancer World Champion - 覨Title: Grand Venomancer
- Archer World Champion - 覩Title: Archer World Champion
- Cleric World Champion - 親Title: Cleric World Champion
- Seeker World Champion - 覫Title: Seeker World Champion
- Mystic World Champion - 覬Title: Mystic World Champion
- Assassin World Champion - 覭Title: Grand Assassin
- Psychic World Champion - 覮Title: Psychic World Champion
- Stormbringer World Champion - 覯Title: Grand Stormbringer
- Duskblade World Champion - 覰Title: Grand Duskblade
- Eternally Wealthy - 覼Title: Eternally Wealthy
- Immensely Wealthy - 覽Title: Immensely Wealthy
- Stylishly Wealthy - 覾Title: Stylishly Wealthy
- Always With You 1 - 袦17173 Always With You Pack
- Always With You 2 - 被Duowan Always With You Pack
- Too Mighty To Properly Display - 袭WeChat Always With You Pack
- Duel Scheduled - 袮Official Always With You Pack
- Always With You 3 - 觃Beachhead Battle Card
- 9 Years With - 訖Title: Always With You / 规9th Anniversary Party Pack
- Veni Vidi Vici - 譝Title: Veni Vidi Vici
- General of Generosity - 譞General of Generosity
- General of Generosity - 譟Stats Title 4
- Stats Title 3 - 譠Stats Title 3
- Champion of Charity - 譡Deity of Archosaur
- Promo Title Book 7 - 譢Promo Title Book 7
- Broken - 譣Stats Title 2 (6 m.)
- Promo Title Book 6 - 譤Promo Title Book 6
- You Have No Boyfriend - 譥Promo Title Book 5
- Promo Title Book 4 - 警Title: You Have No Girlfriend
- Promo Title Book 3 - 譧Promo Title Book 3
- Promo Title Book 2 - 譩Title: The Sacred Passing By
- Promo Title Book 1 - 譨Title: Please Search Online
- Stats Title 1 - 譪Stats Title 1
- Stop the Foolishness - 譾PWI: Excellence Pack
- Thumb Up Please - 诋Title: Thumb Up Please
- Lore Detective - 诩The Seal of Dragon's End
- Bringer of Silence - 诪Wandering Troublemakers
- Staggering Drunk - 诫River Dream
- Prepped and Ready - 诬Treasure Warfare
- The Ever-busy - 语Elder's Teaching
- Lamp of Souls - 诮Lamp of Souls
- Star of Dragon's End - 误Spiritual Revelation
- Happy Monkey Year - 谕Happy Monkey Year
- Freedom's Cry - 谗Vengeful Souls
- Circling Vulture - 谘The Hated Elder
- Respected Soul - 谙Salty Spirits
- Blood Spiller - 谚Blood for the Land
- By the Blade - 谛Remnants of Rage
- Daredevil - 谜Breaking the Curse
- Star of Courage Path - 谝Strike the Seal
- The Source - 谞A Strange Power
- A Bird In The Hand - 谟A Pterosaur Problem
- Flowing Dream - 谠The Inquiry
- Dustborne - 谡Eye of the Great Lake
- Shadow Link - 谢Mutant Turtles Amuck
- Bright Moon - 谣Camellia Gardner's Wish
- Memory of Night - 谤Defeat Lakeside Monsters
- Star of The Great Lake - 谥Source of Power
- Best in Show - 豀Best in Show Title
- Best in Class - 豁Best in Class Title
- I'm on TV! - 豂I'm on TV Title
- Pomegrenate Blossom - 販Pomegrenate Blossom Title
- Vanilla Spring - 貪Vanilla Spring Title
- Dragon's Fool - 豛Dragon's Fool
- Returning Warrior - 谸Title: Returning Warrior
- Kiss me! - 貘Title: Kiss me!
- Stunned - 貚Title: Stunned
- Slight Sorrow - 跻Title: Slight Sorrow
- Egg Game - 跼Title: Egg Game
- Tamer's Golden Medal - 跽Title: Tamer's Golden Medal
- String Rader - 躒Title: String Rader
- Love Eternal - 躔Title Love Eternal
- Neverfall Knight - 軚Battle Sigil
- Dark Firewood - 軮Title: Dark Firewood
- Judge Shadow - 軯Title: Judge Shadow
- Cornerstone of Mountains - 軰Cornerstone of Mountains
- Warmhearted Helper - 軱Title: Warmhearted Helper
- Battle Ritualist - 軲Title: Battle Ritualist
- Lifetime Choice - 輸Title Lifetime Choice
- Rest of My Life - 輹Title Rest of My Life
- Ten Years of Loyalty - 輺Title Ten Years of Loyalty
- Gawker of the Occasion - 輻Title Gawker of the Occasion
- Walking Hormones - 輼Title Walking Hormones
- I Walk My Path - 輽Title I Walk My Path
- Totally Exhausted - 輾Title Totally Exhausted
- Sage Demon Together - 轁Title Sage Demon Together
- Traveler of Universe - 轂Title Traveler of Universe
- Ruthless - 鉨Title: Ruthless
- Virtuous - 遴Title: Virtuous
- Rose Cavalier - 遵Title: Rose Cavalier
- Novice Mage - 鉩Title: Novice Mage
- Fighter of the World - 銩Roster: Fighter of the World
- Realm-wide Renowned - 銪Roster: Realm-wide Renowned
- Game Changer - 銫Roster: Game Changer
- Lonely Champion - 銬Roster: Lonely Champion
- Neverfall Squire - 錳Title: Neverfall Squire
- Neverfall Knight - 錴Title: Neverfall Knight
- Neverfall Lord - 錵Title: Neverfall King
- Colosseum Initiate - 鍈Title: Colosseum Initiate
- Colosseum Veteran - 鍉Title: Fighting Zealot
- Colosseum Star - 鍊Title: Colosseum Star
- Colosseum Master - 鍋Title: Colosseum Master
- Colosseum Paragon - 鍌Title: Fighter Paragon
- Colosseum Legend - 鍍Ultimate Fighting Spirit
- For The Love Of - 鍥Fan Appreciation Pack
- Decade Friend - 鍃Decade WeChat Event Pack
- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow - 鍦Pop Up Shop Pack
- Decade Companion - 鍧Championship Sign-in Pack
- Great Dreamer - 鍩Title: Great Dreamer
- Young Dreamer - 鍪Title: Young Dreamer
- Perfect Nemesis - 鋼Perfect Nemesis
- Chef - 鑏Title: Chef
- Twilight Dawn - 钑Title: Twilight Dawn
- Mr. Know-It-All - 钪Mr. Know-It-All
- Rednosed Reindeer - 钿Christmas Title Exchange / 钺Christmas Title Exchange
- Victorious Warrior - 铟Title: Victorious Warrior
- The Irresistible Force - 铣Title: The Irresistible Force
- Relentless - 铠Title: Relentless
- Battletested Veteran - 铡Title: Battletested Veteran
- Totally Invincible - 铢Title: Totally Invincible
- Valiant Warrior - 铤Title: Valiant Warrior
- Exalted Elite - 铥Title: Exalted Elite
- Heavenly Champion - 铦Title: Heavenly Champion
- Sharp-Eared - 闙Faint Call For Help
- Asked and Answered - 闚Wounded Woman's Request
- Courageous and Cunning - 闛What Lies Beneath
- Chuko's Pupil - 關Seeking Answers
- Love is Eternal - 闝Death Pays for Life
- Undine Scholar - 闞Undines' Secret
- Soul Collector - 闟Love Eternal
- Passionately Devoted - 闠Love Eternal
- Hidden Orchid Star - 闢All's Well that Ends Well
- Tender Kisser - 闡Kissing the Wind
- Nosy - 陥Lost Rabbit
- Harebrained - 陦So Many Rabbits
- Carrot Vendor - 陧You Can Trust a Carrot
- Visionary - 陨The Rabbit's Truth
- Domineering - 险Hopping Mad
- Very Transformative - 陪Transformation Spell
- Irresistibly Cute - 陫White Rabbit's White Lie
- Peach Blossom Grove Star - 陬Unsealing the Grove
- Survivor - 顅Title test-Stairway to Heaven / 霣A Foul Stench
- Shellshocked - 顅Title test-Stairway to Heaven / 霤Tortoises All the Way Down
- It's Only Money - 顅Title test-Stairway to Heaven / 霹Blood Money
- Unstoppable Force - 顅Title test-Stairway to Heaven / 霦Thundering Boom
- Harbinger of Miracles - 顅Title test-Stairway to Heaven / 霧Healing the Sick
- Soul Purifier - 顅Title test-Stairway to Heaven / 霨Chistrem Crystals
- Enlightened - 顅Title test-Stairway to Heaven / 霩Source of Contamination
- Star of the Stairway to Heaven - 顅Title test-Stairway to Heaven / 霪Unsealing the Stairway
- Deal or No Deal - 霸Skinflint
- The Anxious - 霿Fei's Anxiety
- Chicken Slayer - 靀Chicken Soup
- Justice Bringer - 靁The Hot Soup of Justice
- Hot-Tempered - 靂The Broken Vase
- Fearless and Merciless - 靃Vengeance is Theirs
- Artifact Mender - 靄Good as New
- Seeker of Truth - 靅The Truth Comes Out
- Star of King's Feast - 靆Unsealing King's Feast
- Loser - 靇Scourge of the Wraiths
- Famed Wraith Slayer - 靈Proving Your Worth
- Unstoppable Warrior - 靉Scorching Hot
- Prince of Assassins - 靊Orb of Oblivion
- Destroyer of Worlds - 靓Sealing the Orb
- Bloody Fullers - 靖Hero's Blood
- Chevalier - 靗Wraith's Blood
- Calm and Thorough - 靍Meditating on Destruction
- Swamp of the Wraiths Star - 靑The Second Seal
- Struck by Lightning - 韮Title: Struck by Lightning
- This is My Turf - 韺Title: This is My Turf
- Enlightenment - 頂Title: Enlightenment
- Will of a Fighter - 頃Title: Will of a Fighter
- Martial Dominance - 頄Title: Martial Dominance
- Heaven-sent Warrior - 項Title: Heaven-sent Warrior
- Days of Friendship - 頹Days of Friendship
- Visit From Far Away - 頺Visit From Far Away
- The Greatest View - 頻Ferris Wheel Fanatic
- I Sing On Forever - 颤Ferris Wheel Expert
- Pocket the Stars - 颥Ferris Wheel Star
- Collected It All - 颦Pirate Ship Fanatic
- Breaking The Waves - 颧Ship Captain Expert
- Lord of the Ocean - 風Ship Captain Star
- Riding the Dreams - 颩Merry-go-round Fanatic
- Spring Breeze - 颪Merry-go-round Expert
- Happy Dream - 颫Merry-go-round Star
- Alone on the Top - 颬Free Fall Fanatic
- Leap of Courage - 颭Free Fall Expert
- Freedom and Liberty - 颮Free Fall Star
- Sand in Bottle - 颯Message Bottle Fanatic
- Words of Expectation - 颰Message Bottle Expert
- A Song of Longing - 颱Message Bottle Star
- Memory of Us - 颲Message Bottle Fanatic
- Hope of Time - 颳Message Bottle Expert
- My Fate for Life - 颴Message Bottle Star
- A Rapid Advance - 颵A Rapid Advance
- Determination - 颶Parkour Fanatic
- Freedom is my direction. - 颷Parkour Expert
- Wings of Dream - 颸Parkour Star
- Nothing But This - 颹Treasure Hunt Fanatic
- Every Second of Wonder - 颺Treasure Hun Expert
- Star of Future - 颻Treasure Hunt Star
- Can't Help Smiling - 饯Adventure Kingdom Pack
- Ahead of Life - 饶2017 Sign-in Pack
- Flashing Dream - 馶Merry-go-round Fanatic
- Starry Myth - 馷Merry-go-round Expert
- Brightest Star - 馸Merry-go-round Star
- Top of the Clouds - 馹Roller Coaster Fanatic
- The World Belongs to Me - 馺Roller Coaster Expert
- To the Universe - 馻Roller Coaster Star
- Kiss of a Hammer - 駉Whack-A-Mole Fanatic
- Bammed to Death - 駊Whack-A-Mole Expert
- Mash Maker - 駋Whack-A-Mole Star
- Gunner - 駌Shooting Gallery Fanatic
- Cannonball Firework - 駍Shooting Gallery Expert
- Boom Shakalaka - 駎Shooting Gallery Star
- Enjoyable Bump - 駏Drift Race Fanatic
- Infatuation of Bump - 駐Drift Race Expert
- Bump Conqueror - 駑Drift Race Star
- Dream of Reminiscence - 須Title: Dream of Reminiscence
- Your Name - 頉Title: Your Name
- Finger Tip Karma - 頊Title: Finger Tip Karma
- Lord of the Four Beasts - 驱Complete Hall of the Four
- Poetic Warrior - 驲Complete Scholar's Vale
- Evil Termination - 驳Complete Columns of Doom
- Puzzle Solver - 驴Complete Ominous Dimension
- Messenger of Darkness - 驵Complete Nocturnal Cloister
- Altered Destiny - 驶Complete Reincarnation Array
- The Omniscient - 驷Complete Concentric Labyrinth
- Fort Commander - 驸Complete Citadel Assault
- The Unburned - 驹Complete Chamber of Inferno
- Arithmagician - 驺Complete Temple of Ash
- First Win - 驻Ten-Dimensional First Win
- Romantic Showoff - 骝Title: Romantic Showoff
- Break Up Lovers - 骞Title: Break Up Lovebirds
- I'm the Lord - 骾Title: I am the Lord Today
- Crazy Supporter - 鬈Title: Crazy Supporter
- Lord of Dedication - 鬋Lord of Dedication
- Supreme Dedication - 鬌Supreme Lord of Dedication
- Jingling Barbell - 鬓Jingling Barbell
- Burn of the World - 鬛Gift: Flame Dragon Seal
- Martial Saint H. - 魎Title: Martial Saint
- Martial Saint W. - 魏Title: Martial Saint of War
- Martial Saint L. - 魐Title: Martial Saint of Life
- Paparazzi - 鮤Title Paparazzi
- Underage - 鮨Underage
- Self Educated - 鮩Self Educated
- Rich and Free - 鮪Rich and Free
- Official Broadcaster - 鳈Official Broadcaster Title
- Royal Broadcaster - 鳉Royal Broadcaster Title
- Look Confirmed - 鳊Look Confirmed Title
- Naughty and Happy - 鳋Naughty and Happy Title
- Perfect Fanatic - 鳌Perfect Fanatic Title
- Love and Sorrow Divided - 鳡Whisper Feelings
- Ultimate Artillery - 鳮Hidden Clown I
- Hard to Catch - 鳯Hidden Clown II
- Drive into the Night - 鳰Hidden Clown III
- Perfect 10 With - 鴮10th Anniversary Title
- Soul Ferryman - 鶊Book: Soul Ferryman
- Handsome Bachelor - 鶹Roster: Handsome Bachelor
- Silent Brawler - 鶺Roster: Silent Brawler
- Scapegoat - 鶻Roster: Scapegoat
- Wave Rider - 鶼Roster: Wave Rider
- Dancing in the Rain - 鶽Roster: Dancing in the Rain
- Night Love - 鶾Roster: Night Love
- Radiant Light - 鶿Roster: Radiant Light
- Mine Owner - 鷀Roster: Mine Owner
- Martial Vanquisher of Heavens - 鷈Martial Saint Heaven Pack
- Martial Vanquisher of War - 鷉Martial Saint War Pack
- Martial Vanquisher of Life - 鷊Martial Saint Life Pack
- Goldwind Dew - 黃Couple: Goldwind Dew
- Childhood - 黄Couple: Childhood
- Juvenile - 黅Couple: Respect
- Innocence - 黆Couple: Shared Dream
- Consonance - 黇Couple: Consonance
- Dependance - 黈Couple: Dependance
- Infatuation - 黉Couple: Infatuation
- Perfection - 黊Couple: Perfection
- Felicity - 黋Couple: Felicity
- Everlasting - 黌Couple: Everlasting
- Eternity - 黍Couple: Eternity
- First Time Teacher - 鸥Honor Among Thieves
- Respected - 鸬Apprentice - Admission
- Experienced - 鸱Training - The Lazy Girl
- Professional - 鸴Farewell - The Final Step
- Master - 鸸Outside World - Compromise
- Expert - 鸺Return - Back to Home
- Leading - 黥M/A: Sudden Strike
- Authority - 黩M/A: Disaster
- Maestro - 黮M/A: Ask for Help
- Helmsman - 黰M/A: Campaign
- Distinguished - 黳Memorial - Pay Tribute
- Canonical - 黶Back to Start - Inherit
- Student - 鷣Apprentice Initiate - Begin
- Diligent - 鸑Well-known Locations
- Inspired - 鷤Well Versed - Memories
- Sophisticated - 鷦Justice Upheld - Punishment
- Erudite - 鷨Battle Tested - Happy Ending
- Colder Blue - 鷪Path Shared - Emerald Bamboo
- Player No. 1 - 麻Luck Pouch: Orchid
- Player No. 1 - 麼Luck Pouch: Flower
- Canonical - 黡Spring Rain Pack
- Arrogant Dominance - 鼸Title: Arrogant Dominance
- I Rule Them All - 鼹Title: I Rule Them All
- I Am Charming - 鼺Title: I Am Charming
- The Unknown - 鼻Title: The Unknown
- No Wearing Pants - 鼼Title: No Wearing Pants
- Cherish Your Love - 鼽Title: Cherish Your Love
- Not Only Love - 鼾Title: No Only Love
- I Am Not Robot - 鼿Title: I Am Not Robot
- Celestial Vale Guardian - 齧Celestial Vale Guardian
- Adventurer Initiate - 齨Adventurer Initiate
- Initial Move - 齩Initial Move
- Warrior Proper - 齪Warrior Proper
- Know a Thing or Two - 齫Know a Thing or Two
- New But Not Bad - 齬New But Not Bad
- Standing Out - 齭Standing Out
- Extraordinary - 齮Extraordinary
- Cutting a Figure - 齯Cutting a Figure
- Lord of Morai - 齰Lord of Morai
- Perfect World Starlet - 齱Perfect World Starlet
- Great Eminence - 齲Great Eminence
- Jack of All Trades - 齳Jack of All Trades
- Ever Triumphant - 齴N/A
- World Traveler - 齵World Traveler
- Master of Conflicts - 齶Master of Conflicts
- New Horizons - 齷New Horizons
- World Renowned - 齸World Renowned
- Witness of History - 齹Witness of History
- Peerless Passion - 齺Peerless Passion
- Peak of Perfection - 齻Peak of Perfection
- Center of Attention - 齼Center of Attention
- Solitude Expert - 齽Solitude Expert
- Hero of the Age - 齾Hero of the Age
- Battle Tested - 齿Battle Tested
- Icon of Fame - 龀Icon of Fame
- Center of the Group - 龏Open Radiant Star Pack
- Model Couple - 龐Open Stable Unity Pack
- Looking Back in Time - 龧Roster: Looking Back in Time
- Grow Old Together - 龨Roster: Grow Old Together
- Blessed by Luck - 龩Roster: Blessed by Luck